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"The Promise of Tomorrow."
An address to 1000 students of the Macquarie University Global Leadership Program on the challenges facing our species in the 21st Century and our power to overcome narrow self-interest. October 22nd 2013. Crystal Palace. Milsons Point. Sydney.
"Health is a State of Mind."
Jeff McMullen keynote to the National Conference of the Royal Australian College of General Practioners. October 17th 2013. Darwin Convention Centre. Northern Territory. Australia.
"The Children of the Sunrise."
The William Arnold Connolly Oration at the Academic Awards for the Royal Australian College of General Practioners looks at Australia's failure to address the wellbeing of Indigenous children.
October 16th 2013. Darwin.
"The Beauty of Difference."
In a speech at a NSW Parliamentary Dinner hosted by Minister for Indigenous Affairs Hon Victor Dominello Jeff McMullen looks at the foundations of Australian multiculturalism and multilingualism in Aboriginal society. The current debate on refugee and asylum seeker policy is examined in the global context of over 40 million people adrift across borders. July 18th 2013.
"Constitutional Change or Oppression - It's Your Choice."
A lecture to Macquarie University Law Students on the importance of sovereignty in the eyes of Indigenous Australians and the need to remove discrimination from the Australian Constitution. September 26th 2013. Macquarie University. Sydney.
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